
The Dreadnoks needed someone whose sole job was to carry a big machine gun - that someone is Thug.

The head is from Guile (Street Fighter2), the chest is from Gung-Ho (v3), the arms are from Big Boa, the waist is from Lift Ticket, and the legs are from Salvo. The hair is painted green, the entire body is done in flat black, the ammo is in silver, and even though you can't see it in the picture, the earrings and nose rings are in silver.

 The mg in his left hand is from Gung-Ho (v3), the mg in his right hand is a from the Machine Gun Defense Unit.

Dreadnok Gunner:
Code Name: Thug

 Thug was the biggest, tallest, and strongest kid on the block - and with great strength came great irresponsibility. He liked to shake down the kids and the teachers for lunch money. Eventually, he enlisted in the army, where he was discharged for shaking down enlisted men and officers for lunch money. Thug worked as a hired goon for white supremicists and anti-government insurgents when he was recruited to backup the Dreadnoks. Eventually he joined them as a member.

 Anyone who can carry a .30 caliber machine gun with one arm is a dangerous opponent. Anyone who can fire a .30 caliber machine gun with one arm is a dangerous opponent. And anyone who can fire that .30 caliber machine gun while shaking down his fellow Dreadnoks for grape soda and donuts is a dangerous opponent. Thug is what you might call a dangerous opponent.

The Bivouac: 1998-2002
Figures © owners.