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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Clutch VAMP Driver OreoBuilder
Clutch Motor Pool Chief Midgarn
Clutch Driver/Mechanic pluv
Clutch Vehicle Specialist nova
Clutch VAMP Driver sgartz
Clutch VAMP Driver Robrauder
Clutch Vamp Driver sgartz
Clutch Combat Vehicle Driver jldubbya515
Clutch Transportation iwbeta
Clutch Combat Driver Vanishing Point
Clutch Mechanic / Assault Driver DavAnthony
Clutch Transportation/Infantry SNAKE
Clutch VAMP MKII Driver (Update) Robrauder
Clutch VAMP Driver past nastification
Clutch Wheeled Vehicle Driver Kwinn_Lives
Clutch Driver / Mechanic Kamakura
Clutch Mega Marine A.P.C. Driver Robrauder
Cobra Cavalier Enemy Armoured Aviator Kwinn_Lives
Cobra Commander Cobra Leader in Deep Sea Diving Suit Tunnel Rat
Cobra Crimson Horseman (cleaned-up) Crimson HISS Driver GITrekker
Cobra Fourrier Transportation Trooper Kwinn_Lives
Cobra Infiltrator Night Landing Driver Jogunwarrior
Cobra Lancer Transportation Officer Kwinn_Lives
Cobra Stinger Driver Um...Stinger Driver Robrauder
Cobra Stinger Driver Cobra 4WD Driver Robrauder
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