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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Coastline Coast Guard Officer iwbeta
Cobra Banshee Robotic Infiltrator Jin saotome
Cobra Dark Trooper Black Ops minstrelboy
Cobra de Ouro Cobra Assassin LIVEVIL
COBRA DECEPTI-VIPER Cobra-Decepticon Liasion Officer GITrekker
Cobra General Cobra High Command past nastification
Cobra H.I.S.S. Gunner Heavy Artillary Kamakura
Cobra Infiltrator Night Landing Driver Jogunwarrior
Cobra Island ESU Emergency Services Unit bcost74
Cobra Moray Elite Naval Troop Robrauder
Cobra Mortal International Assassin Arturiguana
Cobra MP Cobra Military Police a.dream.deferred
Cobra Officer Squad Leader Doc Rob
Cobra Overseer Cobra Field Marshall Jogunwarrior
Cobra Recruit Cobra Trainee bcost74
Cobra S.W.A.R.M. Airborne Assault Jin saotome
Cobra Tunnel Viper Revenge of the fallen Asphalt
Cobra Viper Female Infantry Trooper Robrauder
Codebreaker Technical Surveillance Mainframe
Coin IRS Special Agent past nastification
Col. Courage Tactical Commander Doc Rob
Col. Panzer Anti-Tank Specialist Jogunwarrior
Cold Shot Arctic Marksman Tim 121RVC
Coldsnap J.O.E. Team Artic Warfare Specialist narceron
ColdSpell Knight o' the Dawn ibps
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