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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Cobra Commando Cobra Saboteur Outrider
Cobra Communications Officer Communications singsingjohnny
Cobra Constable Civil Police Patrolman starviper
Cobra Cuirassier Heavy Infantry Officer Kwinn_Lives
Cobra Cyborg Live Wire Cyborg Blood Brigade
Cobra De Aco Laser Trooper fschalk
Steel Cobra OreoBuilder
Cobra Commando LIVEVIL
Cobra de Aco Cobra Commando Ian
Assassin remster_9
Cobra Diver Underwater Trooper Pentastar
Cobra Eclaireur Advance Recon Kwinn_Lives
Cobra Ecuyer Aide-de-Campe Kwinn_Lives
Cobra Eel Eel Commando copperbob
Cobra Ensign Communications Trooper Kwinn_Lives
Cobra Executioner Executioner Lt Storm
Cobra Flamethrower The Enemy (Flamethrower) HissHissFangFang
Cobra Gendarme Enemy Security Trooper Kwinn_Lives
Cobra Grognard Warrant Officer Kwinn_Lives
Cobra H.I.S.S. Gunner Heavy Artillary Kamakura
Cobra Invasor Infantry, Intelligence, Sabotage BadAsh
Cobra Invasor Infantry Ian
Cobra Invisor Commando raptor
Cobra Lab Rat Lab Technician sgcaper
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