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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Grand Slam Laser Artillery Red Sox
Grand Slam Jet Pack Trooper Jogunwarrior
Grand Slam Jet Trooper corpscommandercody
Grand Slam Jet Pack Trooper nova
Grand Slam Experimental Weapons Pugsley
Grand Slam Experimental Equipment Expert Sharkbait
Grand Slam Jet Pack Trooper sgartz
Grand Slam Laser Artillery Soldier snowman_ejc
Grand Slam Air Defense Artillery Dragonfly2099
Grand Slam Artillery/Electronics Engineer SNAKE
Grand Slam Jetpack Trooper sgartz
Grand Slam JUMP Pack Pilot Devilfish
Grand Slam Indirect Fire Specialist Otto the Otter
Grand Slam Laser Artillery Soldier past nastification
Grand Slam Laser Artillery Jay
Grand Slam Jet Pack Trooper Kamakura
Grand Slam Jet Pack Trooper OreoBuilder
Grand Slam Experimental Weapons Spin Doctor
Grand Slam Artilleryman Kwinn_Lives
Grand Slam Artillery Coordinator Jogunwarrior
Grand Slam G.I. Joe New Sculpt Version Macrossmaster
Grand Slam Experimental Weapons Tester Vanishing Point
Grand Slam Laser Artillery Soldier Tunnel Rat
Grand Slam Laser Artillery / Jet Pack Soldier Robrauder
Grand Slam Emperimental Weapons Midgarn
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