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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Paint Viper Cobra Vehicle Refinisher KrushViper
Panhead Motorcycle Trooper beav
Para-Viper Cobra Paratroopers Mainframe
Phalanx Negator Driver Phobus
Puff Adder Cobra Reserve Trooper Phobus
Punisher Judge, Jury, and Executioner ShaggyP
Pyro-Viper Flamethrower Trooper Sgt Humpty
Python Air Viper Python Patrol Pilot raptor
Python Moto-Viper Python S.T.U.N. Drivers Dream
Python Neo-Viper Python Patrol Neo-Trooper Dream
Python Patrol Armor Viper Heavy Assault Python Viper
Python Patrol AVAC Python Firebat Pilot Python Viper
Python Patrol HISS Drivers Python Hiss Operator Python Viper
Python Patrol Motor Viper Python Defiant Crawler Driver Python Viper
Python Patrol Star Viper Python Defiant Pilot Python Viper
Python Patrol Strato Viper Python Defiant Pilot Python Viper
Python Patrol Track Viper Python Defiant Crawler Commander Python Viper
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