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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Pancho Farhaven Colonial PD drbindy
Para-Viper Pilot jello0429
Payback Hater of all things GI Joe customgijoes
Payload NASA Flightsuit Midgarn
Percival Paracelsus Mad Scientist Kilcarr
Perro Loco Viper Elite Command alleyviperelite
Poluicao the Polluter Pollution Czar Mainframe
President Rock Undercover agent Oneforceleader
Professor Hankman SAFE Squad Scientist drbindy
Professor Latex Anthropologist Lance Sputnik
Psyche-Out Psychological Warfare Lance Sputnik
Python Crimson Guard Elite Guard: Fred Class CDR
Python Patrol Guard bodyguard Goldbug
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