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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
EXO Field Commander raptor
Flash Tactical Light Application Trooper raptor
Gatling Viper Cobra Gatling Gun Trooper raptor
General Counterstrike 2 Star General raptor
Ghost Bear Hired due to Nepotism raptor
Hammer Assault Element Leader raptor
Hammer Duke's Team Infantry raptor
Hanz GSG 9 Sniper raptor
Hard Drive Greenshirt Information Technology Analyst raptor
Harry Dresden Wizard raptor
Hood Desert Commander raptor
Hydra Commander Hydra Infiltrator raptor
Ice Viper Officer Snow Battlefield Command raptor
Iron Grenadier Elite Trooper raptor
Jackie Chan Alternative Weapons Specialist raptor
James Bond Blunt Instrument raptor
Law MP raptor
Longshot Urban Sniper raptor
Lt. Falcon Mindless Zombie Eating Brainzzzz raptor
Marsh A.S.P. Assault System (Portable) Gunner raptor
Marsh Viper Cobra Swamp Trooper raptor
Marujo Sailor raptor
Med Alert Greenshirt Medic raptor
Medi-Viper Cobra Medic raptor
Mega Sputnik New Kid on the Blocks raptor
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