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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
Footloose Infantry Trooper elgoodo
Footloose Infantry Vanishing Point
Fox Hole Infantry hypnoteyes
Front Point Mountain Warfare Soulgem
Fusillade Machine Gunner Kwinn_Lives
Geek Desert Infantry Liquidation-d
Ghoul Plague Infantry / Night Operations Expert carnage717
GI JOE America's Fighting Soldier bcost74
GI Joe Greenshirt Infantry trooper Exulted Unicron
GI Joe Trooper Renegades Greenshirt Dusty79
Glissade Mountain Reconnaissance Trooper Lt_Falcon76
Gray Infantry Liquidation-d
Green Mamba Viper Ranger starviper
Greenshirt Infantry y2kor
Greenshirt G. I. Joe Support Specialist Joeczar
Greenshirt Ranger y2kor
Greenshirt Arctic Infantry y2kor
Greenshirt Shock Trooper starviper1
Greenshirt Greenshirt (Cartoon) SSgt Groover
Greenshirt Communications Trooper Communications Doc Rob
Greenshirt; Codename: "Andy" Action Soldier C Richter
Greenshirts G.I.Joe Infantry Scrap-Iron
Greenshirts Infantry TheGeek
Grunt Infantry Squad Leader chrysophylax
Grunt Infantry Vanishing Point
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