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Codename Speciality/Blurb Creator
S.D. Bob "Snake" Plissken Anti-Hero joemichaels70
Safari Joe Thundercat Enemy Sizemore77
Safari Joe Thundercat Villain Tim 121RVC
Sagat Muay Thai fighter Rambo
Sagat Muay Thai master Dark Horse
Sake Plissken Escaping New York and L.A. Sizemore77
Sakinah Marou Gatewalker Asphalt
Salakk Green Lantern gijoey
Sally Squad: Anti-Tank Vehicular Countermeasures DanOfTheDead
Sally Squad: Assault Alpha Infantry DanOfTheDead
Sally Squad: Assault Bravo Infantry DanOfTheDead
Sally Squad: Engineer Battlefield Repair, Asset Coordination DanOfTheDead
Sally Squad: Medic Rescue and Recovery DanOfTheDead
Sally Squad: Pilot Battlefield Transport and Extraction DanOfTheDead
Sally Squad: Spec-Ops Demolitions and Sabotage DanOfTheDead
Sally Squad: Support Armored Heavy Assault, Battlefield Resupply DanOfTheDead
Sam Cobra (with Satan) Gambler, Thief drbindy
Sam Fisher Splinter Cell Lance Sputnik
Sam Fisher Infiltration and Espionage sgcaper
Sam Fisher Splinter Cell (Pandora Tomorrow Version) MUNDO
Sam Fisher Splinter Cell Lance Sputnik
Sam Fisher Rogue Agent Lance Sputnik
Sam Slade Robo Hunter Kambei
Sam Witwicky Human Alliance with the Autobots Tiger Boy
Samantha Alexander Hunter joemichaels70
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