Head and helmet: Barrel Roll.
Arms: Mission disc Zartan.
Torso and waist: Mission disc Duke.
Legs: Mission disc Firefly.

Knives: various sources .
Guns: Elite Force .

Mindbender voice file # ******** :

"Ahem! Test... test. TEST! Is this voice activated writer on? Ahem..."

"With the success of my venomization program tested on random subjects a few of Cobras troops have gained some faith in it. Firefly and Zartan I half-way expected to join the new ranks but nothing shocked me more when a lone Neo-Viper, whose file name only came back as 'Smith', signed up! After all the original genetic tampering to his body he was more then ready for 'better tweaks and upgrades.' "

"I did research into his status on the fields and was amazed! This man is a dichotomy of values. He tends to work alone, yet is a natural leader when called upon. Strict to guidelines, but improvises with great results. Hateful and cold blooded yet tolerates people at rare times. In other words a better Cobra soldier than the rest!"

"Happy to see what such a wonderful test this would be I allowed him to pick his own genetic sample. He seemed immediately to have a LIST in mind and went about in a calculated crazed manner. From my collection he chose the DNA of these endangered animals: The Black Rhinocerous, The Spotted Owl, The Rhesus Monkey and The Desert Mongoose."

"Naturally, I thought this would be a disaster like a former 'test' < ie: Hawk/ Venomous Maximus>, but was further astounded with the latest results! NO DISTURBING TRANSFORMATION!! This patient came out of the process with the appearance he had before going in. Perhaps his already altered status as a Neo-Viper had a negative effect on transmutation? This required further study, but alas... he paid back my 'generosity' in turn by destroying the lab and leaving in a bloody wake! This was all some ploy for him to boost his already impressive skills and then turn traitor! There was a report of him breaking into Destro's private test weapons locker and taking the two latest laser sighted never-tire silencer pistols, and a large stock of prototype A.P.E.X. rounds."

"From what tests I could run from read-outs his structure is one of the best I'd like to further invest in! His skin has taken on an almost armour like status which is impervious to small weapons fire due to the Rhino. Reflexes, flexibility and speed were enhanced by the Monkey and Mongoose. And his eye sight was improved by the Owl. This apparently allowed him two 'lock-in' on his targets both close and afar in light and dark conditions!"

"Suffice it to say he has now become the most hunted person to turn on our ranks! More so than Mercer, I might add..."

Epitaph has now gone underground and started his own "Enforcer" business called "The Obituaries" with his partner and love interest Eulogy. To contact them one needs to look no further than the pages in any newspaper under the death notices. The company contact is in code hidden amongst the D.O.D. numbers.

While this sounds like mercenary work they only work for those who have been wronged. Their path to justice is violent and cannot be stopped until it is served. Nothing stands in their way once hired... NOTHING!

Epitaph has trained in Tai Tsing Pi Qua and is highly proficient in edged weapons... especially his two cobra headed knives.

Also a crack-shot with his stolen pistols due to his owl enhanced eyesight. These weapons were prototypes from the M.A.R.S. corporation. Sighted with lasers and retrofitted with a new intergrated "never tire" silencer. This means the rubber boot that silences the bullet and muzzle fire does not wear out and does'nt need to be replaced.

The ammunition is also a prototype named "A.P.EX." These A.nti-P.ersonnel EX.plosives only detonate once inside a target and are very lethal. Epitaph just likes the after effects.

"Best to watch your words when Epitaph is around... because they will be your last!"

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