Head / torso / shoulders / upper thighs: Army of Darkness figure
Upper right arm: Galen Marek Vader's Secret Apprentice modified
Lower right arm: Galen Marek Vader's Secret Apprentice modified
Right hand: Spawn 4" figure
Upper left arm: Indiana Jones Ugha Warrior ???
Lower left arm: Indiana Jones Ugha Warrior
Left hand: Sabertooth
Lower portion of thighs / knees / feet: HACKs

One of the three Hounds of War. Originally referred to by Henry V, the hounds "famine, sword, and fire." Famine has existed since time immemorial one of the boogie men, the gods of old, feared, worshiped, sacrificed for and to. A creature of pure death.

Since the rising of the zombies Stories of Famine have come from all corners of the world. It's said that his presence leads to death for all living things and true death to the undead.

This came about in an attempt to use up parts from my fodder bin. I included a WIP pic but in the final used different parts for the left arm.

I used a lot of different paint techniques on this one; drybrushing, washes, and splatter.

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