Head: Super Hero Showdown Mr. Fantastic
Entire body: 25th Anniversary Snake Eyes

Helmet: Comic Pack Breaker
Web gear and knife: 25th Anniversary Snake Eyes
Rifle and pistol: Maurauder, Inc.

Once I had my 25th Anniversary Doc finished, I just knew I couldn't leave him as the highest ranking officer on the team. Hawk had to be made and, since the Snake Eyes body works so well for original 13 customs, I decided to do him in that rendition.

I was still sort of torn between the blonde and brown-haired look for the Joes' Commanding Officer. I've always been partial to the latter. But folks in the critiques section seemed to think blonde was the way to go if doing him in this outfit and, thanks to a helpful suggestion, I settled on a sandy blonde to give the impression that he might be going a bit gray from his years of experience as a military man.

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