Head-Cesspool (modified)
Torso-Action Marine
Arms-LeatherNeck v3
Waist-unknown 1988 GI Joe
Legs-upper-Mutt v3
lower-Cutter v1

Mask and machete-Frostbite v3

New Jersey's own serial slasher, Jason Voorhees kills anyone who dares trespass at Camp Crystal Lake. Though Jason is usually seen weilding a machete, he has been known to kill by other means. Jason wears an old hockey mask to cover his disfigured face. Jason has been drowned, burned, shot, chocked, cryo froze (though that doesn't happen until the far future), buried and yet he still comes back. Initially, Jason's mother killed the campers at Crystal Lake in revenge for allowing her son to drown, but after witnessing his mother's beheading, Jason took over and has continued pilling up the bodies.

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