Head: Bravo team
Mask: IJ cemetery guard, rubber bands and green stuff
Torso and upper leg right: 25th cobra trooper
Upper leg left: Beachhead (Snarler cycle)
Lower legs: Dreadnok Ripper
Harness: Desert cobra officer
Decal: Warhammer 40K

This was my second entry into the Original character contest

Code Name: La Muerte
File Name: Esperanza, Javier C.
Affiliation: Cobra
Primary military Specialty: Assassin
Secondary military specialty: Infantry Leader
Birthplace: Chihuahua, Mexico
Grade: E4

Javier was born in a town bordering the U.S.A; growing up poor he had no option but to join one of the many violent drug cartels. As a child he witnessed a lot of horrific crimes, he also performed many tasks for his boss Juan 'El Rey' Jimenez and by the age of twelve he had murdered five people. By the time he was eighteen he was known as 'La muerte' (Death) and had the reputation of being one of the most psychotic and violent killers in the whole of the American continent. El Rey would often 'loan' him out to other criminals to perform assassinations and this was how he came to the attention of Cobra. Cobra high command was so impressed with his work that they asked him to join their organization full time. La Muerte very much liked the idea of openly using his 'talents' and leading men against Americans. Angered that La Muerte would dare to leave the cartel El Rey set a bounty on his head. It was the worst mistake he ever made. Javier now wears his skull as a battle mask.

''La Muerte' looks like an incarnation of the grim reaper, he is known for summarily executing members of his own squad. It is hard to say who is more afraid of him his enemies or his own troops."
-Classified Intelligence Report

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