Heads: Roadblock, Serpentor, cast heads
Torso: Serpentor, Gung Ho, Chap Mei dinosaur
Arms: Serpentor, Gung Ho, Roadblock, dinosaur
Legs: Serpentor
Hands: Roadblock, Dinosaur
Tail: Dinosaur
Extra neck: Destro

This was done as a part of a Masters of the Universe themed No Joe Challenge. Modulok was the only MOTU Figures I ever owned, other than a Trap Jaw I stole from my little brother. I always liked Modulok and all the different ways you could play with him. It was an ambitious project to be sure, and definitely a fun one. I had no idea what I was doing when I started this sucker, but I think it came out as something I could be proud of. As a bonus, he is made entirely out of parts that many would consider to be junk.

I did not win the challenge.

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