B.A.T. Attack Overkill

As a young man, Madison Jeffries volunteered to enlist as a soldier in Vietnam, where he was injured in combat. While convalescing and taking university classes to become an electrical engineer, Madison met and befriended a man named Roger Bochs at a rehabilitation clinic. The two became fast friends and Madison used his skills to help Bochs complete his ultimate creation: the Box robot. They were discovered by Dr. James MacDonald (Hudson,) a.k.a. Weapon Alpha, and recruited into Alpha Flight program.

During one of Alpha's most pivotal battles [see Roger Bochs,] Jeffries commandeered the Box robot turned it into a giant bomb, killing his own brother and his best friend, and was mortally wounded himself, losing all limbs and a good portion of his face.

MacDonald, with the help of Dept. H funding and Bochs' technology, created a life-sustaining suit for Jeffries. There is some thought that portions of the tech were illegally obtained from Tony Stark's Iron Man designs.

Now, in the cybernetic body, able to be free from the life support systems keeping him alive, Jeffries and MacDonald went on to fashion a smaller, yet equally as formidable, Box robot. They then integrated the two projects into Box V2.

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