Body: Tele-Viper V6

Head: Snow Job V3

Helmet: Cobra Officer V4

Backpack: Cobra Viper V19

Shield: Alley Viper V7

Felix Stratton washed out of the military after striking a superior officer (a general no less). Six months out of the brig, Stratton was hired in with COBRA during a recruiting drive in Ohio. In Cobra his attitude is considered an asset. As a Viper, Felix proved to be one of the best. His expertise with a long-range high-powered sniper rifle is a result of an obsession with accuracy. Persistence and practice have resulted in a rise in the social structure of COBRA. As a senior officer, Felix Stratton took the name "Mercer," short for mercenary.

In my Joeverse, Mercer never defects to the JOE team. Please bear in mind, most of my customs are LBC. I don't paint very well, so I pick parts that go good together with little or no paint and to me this just went together perfectly.

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