Parts Used:
Comic-Pack Scarlett head
RoC Scarlett v2 Body
Marvel Universe Ms. Marvel hands
Comic-Pack Resolute Destro comm. Set

Taser assembly:
Valor vs Venom comm. Device (found a use for one of these stupid things... YAY!)
Star Wars Episode 1 'Sith Battle Pack' Lightsabre hilt

Ms. Marvel energy blast

A Marvel fan-char created back in the 90's... I had a friend bring her in to the CF RPG as a support piece. Genocidal scientists need lab assistants after all. I was originally going to use a Ms. Marvel body, but like the body-armored look from RoC Scarlett better. Has more of a 'plug suit' look to it. Actually had to mix up both shades of purple. The trickiest part was getting her comm. Device on there right.

Nicole Bradstrom
Prime Sentinel
Code Name: Omega Unit 7
PMF: Mutant Eradication
SMF: Medic
Birthplace: Detroit, Michigan

A med-student caught in the crossfire of the war Homo Superior, Nicole Bradstrom watched helplessly as her Mutant boyfriend was slaughtered by Zero Tolerance. Under orders from a high-ranking official, she was forcibly enhanced with nanite-based bionics, assimilated into the ranks of sleeper agents called Prime Sentinels. She was also given subliminal programming... so when she was 're-activated' in the hospital she would awaken with painful false memories of her Boyfriends violent abuse. Strangely she was not activated during the Climactic events leading to Zero Tolerances fall... and for several years she live-out her life uneventfully. She earned her degree in medicine and continued her studies in genetics... with a cruel twist; from what was trying to understand the Mutant Genome to finding a way to 'Fix' them. Her life would take an even darker tone when she met a stranger for the second time.

Dr. Vincent Nostra... Head of his field in Cybernetic prosthesis, geneticist, and author of 'the mutant condition' (A thesis on his belief that Mutantcy is a form of Cancer) had come in to her clinic for his treatment of his own nervous genetic disorder that rendered 70% of his nervous system non-responsive. She was excited to meet someone with such high credentials whose beliefs mirrored her own, and after a single visit found herself drawn to him, wanting to learn more of what he's discovered in the field. And as such she was elated when he offered her a position as his lab assistant and personal nurse, accepting without a moment's hesitation. Not realizing that it was never her choice to make, the 'good doctor' subliminally 'nudging' her through the nanites in her body.

She has worked for him for several years, consciously as his aide in both the lab and his 'failing' health, all the while unawares of the true scope of Nostra's plans, or what blood she has spilled. As Unit 7 she acts as both bodyguard and a 'specimen retrieval unit'... capturing and neutralizing test subjects to be used in the development of the bio-weapon dubbed SRT-R. While her servitude and loyalty is programmed into her subconscious, she still works under the belief that she and the doctor are working to 'cure' the mutant affliction, and making the world a better place.

When Activated, Unit 7 possesses Super-human Strength, Speed, Reflexes, and flight capabilities. Her body is encased in an armored skin-suit that can absorb most damage, with built in life-support and internal repair systems for when she takes damage. She's armed with multiple weapon systems, including palm-based energy blasters and a forearm-mounted Taser capable of generating massive electrical current to neutralize or Kill her targets. Limited technopathy allows touch-based control of electrical systems, including other nanites. Dampeners allow her to temporarily disrupt mutant abilities in a given radius. Combat computers programmed with a simulated personality allow for both covert operations and for her to compensate for unforeseen events faster than a human normally would.

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