Head: Comic Pack Firefly
Torso and lower legs: Comic Pack Scarlett
Arms, waist and thighs: Wet Down
Cape: Leather

Jane Amelia Wilson (AKA: Jane Doe, Painkiller Jane, Amelia Weatherly) and her brother, Wade Wilson (AKA: Deadpool) were the children of notorious Canadian Crime Boss Ernest St. Ives (AKA: Deadly Ernest.) Like her brother, Jane was formerly an operative for the Canadian Secret Govt. project, 'Weapon X'. During a deep-cover operation, Jane was horribly burned and left for dead by her teammates. Instead she was incarcerated in the foreign country and 'forgotten.' She spent much of her time tethered to life support, except when being "questioned" (Tortured? Experimented?) The details of her escape are unknown, but she returned to her native Canada under the name 'Painkiller Jane,' a masked vigilante known to law enforcement for her violent methods of bringing villains to justice.

James McDonald, when putting together Alpha Flight, tasked Walter Langkowski to find and recruit Jane. Langkowski lured her to an old Department H lab (Weapon X Facility, now defunct,) where he injected her with nano-technology, and attached a device to her spine. He used these means to control the otherwise erratic and potentially dangerous bouts of psychosis. Through a combination of training, experimentation, and Langowski's work, 'Nemesis,' as she's now known, has almost super human reflexes, strength, agility, and an uncanny healing ability. Like her brother, she is also horribly disfigured, and you will almost never find her without her mask on. With further team instruction under Department H, She went on to become a member of Gamma Flight and eventually, Alpha Flight - Canada's answer to G.I. Joe. She has been rumored to be romantically involved with another Alphan: Weapon Omega (AKA: Wild Child)

Although proficient in multiple forms of martial arts, most ballistic and edged weapons, her choice is her Onyx Sword (AKA: Scell), referred to as her 'Soul Sword.' It is rumored to have a blade ground to one atom thick and capable of slicing through virtually any substance.

It is the blade she used to kill her father.

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