Head: RoC Scarlett
Figure: MU Black Widow
Spear: ? Chap Mei plus cast feather
Shield: toothpick, leather thong, fuzzy inkjet paper, felt, plasticard, milliput, cast feathers
Leopard/Zebra skins: fuzzy inkjet paper
Headdress: cast feathers from Harry Potter: Order of the Phoenix Dolores Umbridge
Earrings: chain links

Princess Nzinga Cona of Aquilonia; L. Sprague de Camp and Lin Carter)is the daughter of Queen Nzinga (Conan the Buccaneer; ; L. Sprague de Camp and Lin Carter). It is hinted at in 'Aquilonia' that she is actually Conan's daughter from his Zingaran pirate days.

I wanted to do a female figure that was different. I was scanning through the Conan the Barbarian and Savage Sword reprints, but many of the female protagonists were pretty much in the same mold. Then I remembered Nzinga from Conan of Aquilonia and grabbed my copy of King Conan Chronicles. There are not many illustrations of the character, but it gave me a starting point. I had some inkjet fuzzy paper in hand so I printed out a leopard skin and zebra skin pattern (Please note, no animals were harmed in the making of this custom!). I stuck it down to some plasticard with felt on the other side and a toothpick at the back with a piece of leather thong for a handle.

The Milliput for the jewelry was passed through an extruder, apart from the earrings. The problem was the headdress. I thought about rolling out a piece of Kneadatite, but then I remembered that I had made a mold from the feather quill that came with the Harry Potter Dolores Umbridge figure. I cast several up and glued them together to make a headdress. After several false starts at painting them, I decided to make them look like peacock feathers, and use the spare feathers in different colours on the spear and shield. Like the jewelry and my earlier Juma custom, the tops of the boots were also done using a clay extruder.

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