Head: H.E.A.T. Viper V1
Torso: Sci-Fi V1
Arms: Crystal Ball (modified)
Waist: Dial Tone V1
Upper legs: Destro V1
Lower legs: Wild Weasel V1
E.M. Gun: Sound Attack Fast Blast Viper gun with radar dish tip from Psyche Out V1.

Reynolds Vandenberg was a top scientist in electromagnetic research. His studies had tremendous military applications, which is why he was approached early in his career by M.A.R.S.

He helped develop the antigravity propulsions of the AGP. However his true desire was to build weapons based on his theories and ideas. He developed numerous weapons systems including masers, TED's, HERF's amongst other designs. However his prized invention was the E.M. Gun.

His desire to see his creations in action lead to his placement on the battlefield. After a crash course in IG combat tactics, he was placed in a small specialized unit equipped with his most promising weapons.

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