Head, forearms, legs: Zartan 2002
Torso, waist: Snake-eyes 2002
Upper arms: Gung Ho 2002
Guille suit: Black Out
Skorpion machine pistols: Neo-Viper

Few concrete facts are known about Raganok. Rumors place him as a dishonored SAS major, the sole survivor of a royal coup, some rumors even say that he is the ORIGINAL Firefly and the current Firefly is a doppleganger.

All that anyone knows is that Raganok is a force of nature. Many are too afraid of him to hire him, and those who do hire him do so electronically or by courier.

Raganok thinks of himself as a one man Armageddon, killing anything and anyone in his way.

The scar that marrs his face is rumored to have been recieved during a bush war in the jungles of Africa, the site of his only true defeat.

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