Head: Cast
Torso: Tripwire
Upper arms: Cobra Trooper
Lower arms: Tripwire
Upper legs: BAT
Lower legs: Viper

Kosa grew up fascinated by all things science fiction. He watched movies and tv shows until he had them memorized. He read books and comics faster then the writers could release them. This fascination led to a love of technology. Going to school and majoring in engineering Kosa was hopeful that he'd one day work for NASA. He absorbed the knowledge his professors shared with lightning speed, graduating top of his class. He was employed by a major DOD/NASA contractor upon graduation and assigned to work on several Mars rovers. Things were looking up. Then the "cut backs" came.

Upon being let go Kosa found himself angry and Cobra offered him a way to release his anger.

Assigned to the Viper's Nest in the Amazon basin Kosa works closely with long time friend and colleague, Tele-Viper Finch.

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