Airborne body
Bazooka Backpack and bazooka
Greenshirt web gear
Zartan extra head
Duke rifle
Desert Major Bludd scarf?

The name Xeros, come from latin for Dry.

As a child Xeros lived under the tyrannical rule of his father, who believed that Armageddon was coming soon. To that end he picked up his son and moved into the wilds of the Nevada desert. There he taught his son three things; desert survival, weapons handling and how the new world order would be after the Armageddon. It took several years before Xeros finally worked up the skills and courage but he eventually would begin to venture out of the ramshackle compound his father forced them to live in. Year by year he would get further and further in his attempts to make it back to the real world. Once he returned he found that with no parental guidance and with the skills he had, the Army was his best option for the future.

While he's never really shaken his father's vision of what's to come, however he's learned that there is an alternative, channel that fear, that depression and make a change fight the future. His hope is that if he can stop men like Cobra Commander, and Destro then maybe just maybe he can prove his father wrong.

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