Head and hat: Comic Pack Sgt. Misha
Body: Attack on Cobra island Ripcord
Harness: 25th Snake Eyes
AK: Marauder Inc.

I created this partly as an example for the Custom Celebration 7 LBC Challenge #1, even though technically the work on dremeling the head makes it not quite an LBC. Mainly though, I needed a gunner for my Group Project custom, even Misha never interacted with some of those characters in the comic.

When I was outside taking pictures for the Group Project, the helicopter fell to the ground and snapped in half. While I was able to fix it, I lost Misha's hat in the grass. It has been a long time since I lost an accessory outside. I would have been sad, if a) I wasn't so mad at the wind, b) so proud I made time to play with my toys, and c) had a spare in my collection.

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