Base figure - MU Black Widow

After She-Ra's battle with the forces of Cobra, Princess Adora decided to stay in Earth for a while. She was invited by Kim Arashikage to experience the night life in the city. They were accompanied by Courtney Krieger, Shana O' Hara and Alison Hart-Burnett. But a would-be fantastic girls' night-out turned out to be disastrous when the Dreadnoks invaded the club where our girls are partying. The Dreadnoks were looking for an ammunitions middle man who owes them huge sum of money. But when the middle man refused to come with the Dreadnoks, a bar slugfest begun. Our girls were caught in the middle and had no choice but to subdue the Dreadnoks. Our girls were triumphant in the end. The Dreadnoks were able to escape before the police arrived, but their pride all broken.

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