Everything: '88 Budo

I have really fond memories of receiving Budo. He along with Joe's like Blizzard, Muskrat, Shockwave and Lightfoot were given to me by my grandmother for getting good grades in school. She came over to the house with a big sack of Joe figures and let my brother and I pull figs from the sack for each good grade.
I instantly loved the look of Budo as he was much different than any other Joe figure I had.
Despite that nostalia towards the character, he was not something I was easily able to incorporate into my Joe world. It was difficult using a samurai warrior against a SAW Vipers heavy machine gun. He found less and less use over the years.

The idea behind this really simple custom was to take Budo and maintain the same look and feel but update him in a way that he can be more usable in my collection. I painted the torso and hlemet dark green and added camo to the legs. The paint apps are minimal so as to maximize play without chipping paint. I also gave him an assault rifle instead of limiting him to just swords.

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