Head: Animal Planet Figure (came with submarine)
Torso: Buzzer v.1
Arms: Snow Job v.1
Waist: Snake Eyes v.5
Legs: Wet Suit v.2

Captain of the Chironex (aka Jellyfish) and lead naval strategist for Cobra, Sea Wasp spends every hour plotting against GI Joe in order to dominate the world. His first name Kefentse means conqueror in Afrikaans and if he gets his way he and Cobra Commander will conquer the world. During his childhood all he wanted was the respect and acceptance of his father and his father's family but it never came. In Cobra Commander, he has found the acceptance and respect he has always wanted and together they will do anything to rule the world.

Sea Wasp was created using the head from the figure that came with an Animal Planet submarine from Toy R' Us. I saw the head and thought I definitely wanted to use it in a custom so I painted him with a brown skin but left the cool blond hair to make a unique figure. I painted the chest arm and legs a flat black as it always strikes me as a more traditional look to my ARAH collection.

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