Head: Snake Eyes
Torso and Arms: Baroness
Legs: VvV Baroness

Cobra Commander III breaks his own "no ninja" policy to allow Ophelia at his side. He found her in Cobra's prison and recognized her immediately. Thought to be dead, he learned that Cobra medics had found her and taken her into custody, unaware of her former affiliations. The wounds had taken her voice and her memories. William Kessler told her that Snake Eyes of GI Joe fame had been her ninja master and had sacrificed her and left her for dead. He told her that he would take her in and reteach her the ways of the Arashikage. As he worked with her, Ophelia's muscle memory returned and the martial arts came easily. Kessler continued to tell her of Snake Eyes and GI Joes' abandonment. She now stands beside Kessler and serves as his personal bodyguard.

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