All Black Dragon v.2 (from Ninja Battles Playset).
Custom cloth vest/Belt: Sized and cut, plain white Tshirt, painted yellow.
Acrylic paint.

I love Mortal Kombat, and Scorpion is my favorite character. I've got 2 Black Dragons, (One now). And noticed he could easily be customized into scorpion. This was the first custom I had ever done, two years ago. (Which explains why the eyes look so bad, and all the wear and tear). I did it before I even knew customizing your Joes was a thing. (Thank all of you for making me realize that I'm not the only person with these things in mind. It has helped grow in these past few years, and discover my new found passion. As a kid, I always dreamed of doing what I'm doing now, and I can't thank you all enough). But Scorpion took a portal into my Joe universe, where Scorpion has befriended Snake Eyes, (a ninja working for G.I. Joe) and now believes that Snake Eyes is himself from another "better" dimension and has combined the Shiri-Ryu with the Arashikage. I will post more pics in the future. Hope you all like it as much as I do playing with it.

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