Head: Zartan disguise
Torso: Duke
Upper arms: Duke ?
Lower arms: Tunnel Rat
Legs: Cobra Trooper

I spent the next several weeks making sure we had constant communications. I monitored the radio waves and the internet. I complied every piece of data I could get my hands on. I also made sure those damn things left my antennas alone. More then once I had to go out and make repairs. I had done my job under fire overseas but there is something about trying to fix radio antennas and satellite dishes while the moaning undead are trying to eat you that shakes you to your very core. I was glad to have Rudy as my cover. Other then Horace he was the best shot on the team. Best part was he preferred a bow so there was no gunshot to draw more to our location.

It's been several long years since it started. We're still here. The radio went silent for a long time, but communication came back. We started hearing chatter about things other then zombies. People disappearing in the night, shadows, howling, bats the size of poodles. We have a job to do.

To teach, improve, share, entertain and showcase the work of the customizing community.