head: '93 Beach Head
Torso: '92 Firefly
Arms: '86 Lift-Ticket
Waist and Legs: '93 Duke

Battle Corps made up a large part of the Joe assortment in the later years, and is something I was always a big fan of. One thing I always found amusing, and a little cool, was when they would bring us a an update of an existing character with an oddly specific specialty. Desert Paratrooper Flint and High Tech Snow trooper Snow Storm are a couple of examples of this. So one thing I wanted to incorporate in my expanded Battle Corps line up is some of those specialties, which is where this concept for a Night Assault Specialist Beach Head came from. It also gives me a nice foil to my Cobra Midnight in the same assortment.

Beach Head has always been a favorite of mine, so its not like I have to look too terribly hard for an excuse to make a new version of him.

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