Head: Countdown v1
Torso: Outback v1
Arms: Falcon v3
Waist/Legs: Corps!

Bandanna: Custom
Rifle: Viper v2/Python Viper (Modified)
Webgear: Crosshair v2/Night Force
Flashlight/Grenades: CORPS! Commando Force

Codename: Turbo
Filename: Magnus, John Thomas
Primary Military Specialty: Counter-Terrorism
Secondary Military Specialty: Small Unit Tactics
Rank: O-4 (Major)
Birthplace: Dalton, Georgia, United States

Bio: Standard age for enlistment is eighteen, but on Novemver 14, 2001, just over two months after 9-11 and only three days after his seventeenth birthday, John Thomas (J.T.) Magnus was handpicked by General Joseph "G.I. Joe" Colton to lead Frontline, a small-scale reinstatement of the G.I. Joe Team. It would be a mistake to assume that his age at the time had any baring on J.T.'s skills, his father having been the regular Joe team Colonel in charge of the reservist Steel Brigade units had an impact on J.T.'s view of life, making his greatest idols those who served. With his greatest dream being to serve in the military, J.T. worked to be able to do almost anything from emergancy medical aid to driving a tank to small arms and silent weapons.

Off-duty, Turbo's so relaxed that people sometimes think he needs to 'grow up' and stop being 'immature.' What they don't understand is that Turbo's only that way off-duty. Once he steps out onto the battlefield, the joking, the singing, the romantic, the goof-ball, they all disappear and Turbo becomes all business until the job's done. Turbo's in charge of the twelve other members of the Frontline unit, a mixture of regular military, ex-civilians, and former Joes. Taking his cue from how General Hawk led the G.I. Joe team, Turbo cuts Frontline a lot of slack, knowing that the unit's risking their lives with no fame, no glory, and with no one knowing of the unit's existance there's no one to call for reinforcements when a mission goes wrong...

"When he's acting as just another Frontliner, Turbo will laugh and joke around with the others. When he has to pull out the Commanding Officer, all that goes out the window and he comes down on whoever's broken the rules with a force that can make Beachhead nod in approval. Either way, though, if you're in trouble, he'll do his best to pull you out of it simply because you're both part of the same unit." -- Second Lieutenant Steven Johnson, codename: "Brick"

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