Head: Wild Bill (v9)
Chest: Viper (v11)
Upper Arms: Wild Bill (v9)
Left Lower Arm: Duke (v11)
Right Lower Arm: Viper (v11)
Waist: Gung Ho (v11)
Upper Legs: Gung Ho (v11)
Lower Legs: Viper (v11)

I wanted to see if I can make Mercer. The hardest part was trying to figure out how the arms came undone. After that, all the pieces fell into place.

Mercer was once part of the Cobra army as a Viper. He had seen the errors of his ways and surrendered to G.I.Joe. The court system was going to lock him away for a long time. Instead of going to jail, Mercer found himself in a secret bunker in the middle of no where. There he was given two options. Join Sgt. Slaughter's Renegades or go to jail. He picked the Renegades. Now when there is a job that is ultra-hush hush. Mercer is called in.

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