Head- Dusty 91
Torso- modified Airtight 85 casting
Arms- Cross Country 86
Waist- Roadblock 86
Legs- Cross Country 86
Laser Rifle- Star Wars
Backpack Sci-Fi 91

Part of my Original 13 Joes project.

The G.I.Joe team's laser rifle and electronics expert.

The most difficult aspect to making Flash was sculpting the pads on his arms and legs. Making and scupting the pads took more time than the rest of the custom itself. I know I will have to repeat this arduous task when I make GRAND SLAM.
I lucked out with the Star Wars laser rifle here before I even thought of making Flash. In a way you could say it was what inspired me to make him, because I felt it somewhat resembled his laser rifle in the comics...

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