Head: Stalker, Comic Book 3-pack
Rest: Firefly, Crimson Guard pack (I needed to get rid of it somehow..)

I love urban camo. I love Stalker. One plus one equals two.

Rounding off the trilogy of friendship is Stalker, who will always be Snake Eyes' best friend in my Joeverse. They went through Vietnam together, and the only one who would help Snake Eyes pick up the pieces of his shattered life would be his long-time friend. With Scarlett, the three go on nearly every mission together, and refuse to let their friends die. Even though Storm Shadow, hellbent on destroying Snake Eyes for what he thinks his sword-brother did to him, cannot break apart the bonds of love and new brotherhood.

I also love Sledgehammer's, so one hooks into a ring on his leg, while a pistol fits in the holster on his waist.
Yo Joe!

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