Head: Dusty
Arms: Black Out
Legs: Sand Viper
Rest of body: Serpentor

A secret cabal of Cobra scientists, under the direction of The Interrogator and Destro, combed the tombs, sarcophagi, and relics of the great despots of history to find cells with DNA traces. From these long-dead genetic blueprints they produced a composite clone with the military genius of Napoleon, the ruthlessness of Julius Caesar, the daring of Hannibal, and the fiscal acumen of Attila the Hun . . . the ultimate Cobra Emperor!

A master of political intrigue and a brilliant tactician, he is capable of wresting power from Cobra Commander for the benefit of The Interrogator and Destro. Fortunately for the Joes, the Cobra Emperor's own ambitions were not taken into consideration by his creators.

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