Head: Torch (modified)
Torso: Vvs.V Gung-Ho
Arms: Leatherneck
Waist and Upper Legs: Sgt. Stalker
Lower Legs: Dart

Backpack: Bbi

I never liked Tracker growing up. I thought the yellow sweats and red t-shirt were atrocious. My feelings about the character changed when the Night Force 6-pack came out and I learned about Action Man. I believe there was also an appearance in the recent comic series that alluded to Action Man and Tracker being one in the same. I'm not sure why I changed my mind, but I suddenly felt the urge to customize myself a version. I wanted to give him the bad-boy surfer look with Torch's head (but I removed the facial hair), and the red bandana and rib cage padding are subtle cues to his ties to Action Force. I tried to give him some jungle stripe face and arm paint to match his jungle stripe fatigues, but I don't know how pleased I am with how that turned out.

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