Head, torso, crotch & upper legs: Scarlett (comic pack v. 5) modified with parts from Frostbite (GvC v. 4)
Arms & lower legs: Cobra Slice (VvV v.6) modified with parts from Frostbite (GvC v. 4)

Goggles: cut from Frostbite (GvC v. 4)
Uzi: Snake Eyes (VvV v. 23)
Satchel: Big Ben (ARAH v. 3)

Once my Arctic Comando version of Snake Eyes was finished, I knew he was going to need some more company than just Timber on those endless arctic nights. So I decided to make a winter-geared Scarlett figure for him to hang with.

The baggy look of the karate togs on the comic pack Scarlett made a great starting point for the figure, and some meticulous cutting and pasting from a Frostbite figure helped bring it where I wanted it to be.

The goggles were an afterthought, and difficult to get right, but I'm very pleased with the way they complete the look.

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