Head - JVC Agent Scarlett
Hat - Epoxy
Hairbangs - Braided thread
Body - Microman Material Force female body. Arms and lower legs modified with epoxy
Feet - Cobra Coils
Gauntlets - Epoxy
Tops of boots - Epoxy

I had made an earlier custom of Cammy using all GI Joe parts, but was not satisfied with the results. When I saw the new female Mcroman body, I decided do give it another try. I think I capured the look really well.

Cammy's early history is unknown. Cammy was working for Shadaloo as an assassin known as a Doll Agent for M. Bison. While doing surveillance work on her "designated target" Ryu, she came across Rose who freed her from the brainwashing. Awakening without any memories of her past, she joined Delta Red.

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