Head: Cast of CP Firefly
Torso: Surefire 02
Arms: Sidetrack 00
Waist: Heavy Duty 91
Legs: Lift Ticket 86
Left Thigh: Muskrat 88

Backpack: ?
Gun: BBI
Holster: Lady Jaye 03
Pistol: Black Out 03

We see a fair amount of ARAH versions of New Sculpt characters being done. I have done several my self. Here is my ARAH version of an original character that I made almost 3 years ago with new sculpt parts.

When you need to get some nasty work done in a small space, Tight Squeeze is your man. Tight Squeeze feels at home in big cities. He is at his best when crawling through a ventilation shaft, hoofing it down 20 flights of stairs all to get the basement door of a Cobra hideout in underground level of some big city skyscraper.

Hawk's personal note to Duke: "Whatever you do, don't assign this guy to non-urban missions. Last time I sent him out into the jungle, the fresh air made him chuck into Recondo's hat."

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