Head: ST Roadblock
Arms: ST Roadblock
Torso: ST Ripper
Waist: ST Black Out
Legs: ST Black Out

Helmet: Single Pack Sand Viper
Weapon: ST Roadblock

File Name: Marvin F. Hinton
Specialties: Infantry Heavy Weapons, Cook, and Electrical Engineering
Birthplace: Biloxi, MS

A Qualified expert with any weapon that weighs more than fifty pounds and has a full-auto switch on it. He prefers the M2 "Ma-Deuce" .50 caliber heavy machine gun as his personal weapon. Roadblock makes the other Joes more comfortable, when he is backing them up.

He became a world known chief after the team disbanded a couple of years ago. Since the team was reinstated, Roadblock has been working with the cooking staff at the PIT to improve their cooking.

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