Torso; Lift Ticket
Head, body: Scoop

When the battlefield laser trooper turned out to be a "non-viable battlefield asset" Flash left the Joe team to get a master's degree in optics.

Flash soon learned that pretty lights were more than just an amusement, they could be a powerful weapon. Better than a laser rifle, a strong light could be a non-lethal weapon that worked instantly, and left your victim disarmed, dazed, alive and able to answer questions!

The strobaphobic hand weapon he carries generates a 10,000,000 candle power directed beam with a specially calculated flash effect that leaves the target sick, and in a near epileptic state which will wear off in a little less than an hour.

The strobaphobic rifle has a candlepower rating of 100,000,000, and can leave a target in a coma for a week. Due to the nature of the weapon, the strobaphobic rifle is only used in severe combat conditions, as it is likely to result in long term severe eye damage or blindness. Flash sees this as an improvement over his old laser rifle, which had a 100% chance of severe death for the target.


Flash needed a new specialty, and I picked this one up from reading a Tom Clancy book. Clark and Chavez brought down a plane with what amounted to a very powerful flashlight. I was so impressed; I wanted someone like that in my army... I am thinking of putting together a group called Battle Force 2012, using the non lethal and robot based warfare designs that the US army is putting together in real life (the end date for the real life project is 2012)

The painting is a wash, done because I was a dumbass, and got to much water in the paint that I was trying to thin. I was happy with the result, and I think that the figure has a very Leatherneck look to him. Besides, I had to do something to cover the awful yellow of Scoop. I think the helmet looks awful, but I figured that he needed some eye protection.

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