Head: Barrel Roll 05
Arms: Duke 02
Torso: Chief Torpedo 03
Waist: Gung-Ho 03
Legs: Gung-Ho 03
Barrel-Roll helmet
BBI goggles, AT-4 LAW
PTE backpack

Primary MOS: Infantry
Secondary MOS: Mountaineering
Infantry, Light infantry, Mountaineering, whatever you call it, it's the same ol' game. Infantry must deploy and stand against the enemy. The Special Forces designation for what Hit&Run does best is "motivated." He'll be the first up the mountain, the first across the plain, and the first over the cliff.

"We're glad he's fast but we finally sent him back to Bragg for a course in anti-vehicle weaponry. This was after he ran five miles and climbed the steep side of a hill then uncovered a tank with nothing but his submachine gun to cover his disengagement."

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