Head: '86 Hawk
Chest: Crankcase
Arms: '83 Clutch
Waist, Legs: '87 Law

This figure's from a few years back.

The '86 Hawk head was a great piece of sculpting. However, the smirk and the wavy hair don't really fit the character of Hawk. They work just fine for Clutch and the addition of a painted five o'clock shadow make it easy to forget that it's a Hawk head.

The best Clutch head is the one from the Playdough Force (okay, I can't think of the real name) subset, but I didn't have an extra. The comic pack one has a full-on beard instead of stubble. Hasbro, you so silly!

The body for this figure's nothing special. It's a thrown-together mix of parts. Getting the collar to match the sleeves was difficult. It's not exactly right, but it gets the job done.

Thanks for looking.

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