Head: Artic Guile

Arms: hardball

Torso: Flint 91

Waist: ?

Legs: Dusty

Gun: BBI/Rock n Roll v2

Backpack: Low-Light modified

Filename: Dux, Frank W.

Primary: Martial Arts

Secondary: Hand-to-Hand

Birthplace: Toronto, Canada

Frank was a troubled kid who grew up without a family, he hitch hiked his way to California and basically lived off the street and got into trouble. He was taken in by an old Asian martial artist who had recently lost his own son, and made Frank part of his family. The old Asian man happened to be a champion martial artist who trained Frank into becoming a champion martial artist himself.

Frank went on to join the army and become a high level special operative running black ops for the CIA, but upon hearing about the death of his surrogate father, Frank snapped and left for Hong Kong to fight in the Kumite, a secret underground, highly illegal, martial arts tournament, where he would excel and become a champion and hold an undefeated record of over 300 matches.

The army sent two fellow soldiers after Dux to bring him back. The rest is yet to be told.

Went back and forth on which Jean Claude movie characters to use for this figure, this storyline really jumped out at me.

*Bio is based on Bloodsport the movie*

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