Base figure was 25th Anniversary Torch. The head is from WWE Dollar General Shaemus. I cut the three pieces connecting his jacket together in the middle just to make it look different. I removed his holster for his flame thrower and replaced it with a gun holster. Then I painted the leg strap black. I dry brushed every bit of brown from the boots up to his jacket to give it a dirtier look. The guns are just random fodder.

File Name: Daniels, Jesse
Birthplace: Las Vegas, Nevada

Jackal grew up on the streets and learned to live his own way. He did a stint as a bounty hunter but that led him down the wrong path. Guns, physical combat, motorcycles you name it. He became an early member and later leader of the Coyote Biker Gang. He killed the former leader with a bullet to the head and framed their rival gang, the Road Devils. He hid his body in the Nevada desert and to this day it has been a popular place for him and his gang to drop bodies. His gang soon caught the eye of Zartan, who wasted no time recruiting Jackal for his Dreadnoks. He works for Zartan only to fund his own agenda and grow his Coyotes.

Jackal is a hands on kind of guy. Preferring to take part in every mission instead of relying on someone else to get the job done. Basically he'd rather put the bullet in you than take the word of someone who said they did.

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