Head and right hand: Barrel Roll v1.
Torso: Agent Faces v2.
Arms, left hand and legs: Duke v11.
Waist: Switch Gears v1.

Leatherneck's sunglasses.
Cobra headed knife from various sources.
Elite Forces pistol.
The CORPS! Out-Back Jack's boomerangs and back pack.

Detailing done with the ever handy fine tip black and gold markers along with my favorite tried and true nail polishes.

Smith is a likeable, funny guy who just can't stand being around people. Unless he's paid a large sum of money to haul them in!

Has had the typical Marine training before filed as a "Section 8", given an honorable discharge and had his "jacket*" disavowed for secret government reasons. Also trained in the martial artistry of Ti Tsing Pi Qua**, small and medium sized fire arms, bladed weapons, high-speed vehicle handleing and damned fine gourmet skills. A natural mimic which has implored this talent for either gaining information from unsuspecting criminals or just entertaining his crew / friends.

Now back into a "normal" life after retiring from skip tracing, Smith has found fun in customizing G.I. Joes, causing laughs and head-scratching on the joecustoms.com boards, loving his wife and trying not to get "caught out in the open" by those pesky black helicopters...

*"personel files"
** roughly translated meaning "Armored Monkey Fist."

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