Head: Chap Mei (modified)
Torso: Zartan v4
Upper Arms: Roadblock v9
Lower Arms/Waist/Legs: Dart v1

Vest: Cross Hair v1 (modified)
Gun/Knife: Dart v1
Pick: Chap Mei

Yes, I know that isn't how his name is spelt on the original filecard, but I don't care, I think it looks better. Demolisher is the only real Dreadnok I don't have (I'm not counting the Dreadheads), and after seeing how much he can go for on E-Bay, I decided it might be better for my wallet to create my own version. This is relatively close to the original, the only real problem I had was the head. Fortunately, those most underrated of saviours, Chap Mei, once again came to my rescue with a pirate figure that fits the bill. After that, it was just a case of sculpting the eye-patch. The Dart legs were used to give a sense of size, as they, like so many Spy Troops figures, are rather out of proportion to the rest of the range.

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